The only words that I do have to offer are, THIS IS NOT AGRICULTURE! The people that were being filmed in this video have no right to be involved in agriculture at all. On our farm and 99% of the farms around the country, our animals are treated with respect and dignity. We have a small cow calf operation, which is different setup and concepts from the farm in the video, but, our calves are born and then they are separated out of the main herd with their mothers for a week so we can watch the calves and make sure they are healthy.
I have worked on a couple dairy farms in my time. As soon as a calf hits the ground we take care of that animal. Most dairy's have no use for bull calves, they are feed on the farm for about a week and then sold to farms that can raise them out, the people that buy those bull calves raise them to steers and sell them at market or they go to their personal freezer.
All the animals in the video that I could tell were bull calves or very sick heifers, there are other more humane, more professional ways to take care of our animals. I don't know the whole story or all the details but please just please understand that this case of abuse is not how we do things. Like I said, I can't find the right combination of words to explain how I feel, but please don't look down on me as a producer because of one bad apple, farming is my lifestyle and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am not posting a link to this video, because this video is not for the weak at heart at all. If you are interested in looking it up, on Youtube type Mercy for Animals Calves into the search, it is a video that is a new cast. This is the much more condensed easier to watch video, but the video is still very hard to watch. If you have any questions about animal agriculture and the way we do things, please feel free to comment and I will answer them.