Basically today I'm going to do a little catch up. So after I graduated at the ripe old age of 21, I bought my first truck, took a job as a Syngenta Seed Adviser, moved back in with my parents, and work at home on the family farm. Fast forward 2.5 years and...
I still have my truck, still work as a Seed Adviser, still live with my parents, and still work at home on the family farm. So nothing has really changed other than last winter I took a job working on a local dairy as well. (Sometimes I think I was born into the wrong farming family sometimes because I LOVE the Dairy Industry!!)
That beautiful lady right there is Snooki, I get to hang out with her and my other ladies several mornings a week when I'm milking.
So basically I love to farm and have taken it on as my career choice. Some days during the spring and fall I rack up over 18 working hours a day, I might complain a lot those days but I wouldn't change it for anything. Coffee and Mt. Dew tend to be in my right hand those days.
I love taking pictures while I work and explaining why we do what we do. Being so deeply involved in the different areas of agriculture I think help fuel my passion.
Like today a video has begun to go viral about a PETA protest in Canada:
What I find in this post is the lack of education that these particular protesters have. Cows can live in farm sanctuaries? We can just release them into the wild? Like the hilarious newscasters add, the ground is covered in snow, and these animals have always had food brought to them, they are really going to know how to scavenge for their next meal? Coyotes? Like those things aren't going to bring down a hungry animal that doesn't know how to fend for its self.
SO before this turns into a total rant, I'm going to step back and just let this sink in for a while. There are a lot of health concerns for dairy cattle that are all of a sudden turned loose into the wild, or even penned up in an animal sanctuary. Death from diseases like pneumonia, mastitis, and starvation just to name a few.
All I can say, if you are going to protest ANYTHING please, please, please! Do a little bit of back-grounding before you go up to a news camera and give a statement. Because an uneducated statement will turn you into a viral internet video.
Going back to where I was earlier. My hope is to be able to keep this Blog thing a little more current. Just a way to express some thoughts, maybe throw a little information out there, and share some of my experiences with the world, in my classic nerdy form!